Tuesday 12 May 2015

Android apps on windows 10 doesn't work as same as in android phones

Windows 10 for Phone entered public beta in the for of Insider program early this year and it promised a lot of things, specially UI changes, everything in works seems to be going well, though with a lot of bugs , Insiders are giving as much feedback as possible (including me) but that’s not the only thing that Windows Phone needs, it needs apps. Microsoft hence had a plan and has finally confirmed this is Build 2015 that Windows 10 for Phones will run Android apps inside a sub system.

Android apps will be available only for Phones and small tablets, not for PC’s or desktops running Windows 10.
The sub system will be based on KitKat “We believe we’ll have decent compatibility because this is AOSP,” says Microsoft’s Kevin Gallo.
This said, let everyone here know that every Android app cannot run on Windows 10 for Phone, there are certain things the app can do and cant and since the apps will be running on Microsoft’s services and not Android’, it will have to follow some set of instructions making it a universal app as well as keeping the Windows app security model.
According to Kevin, this will make sure the apps run the Windows behavior, wont run in the background and will be well behaved. With this, there will be no loss in standard capabilities including camera, file picker and other stuff.
User can download apps from the Windows Store and not the Play Store, obviously, and everyone here should know complex applications cannot run in this sub system because of a lot of work that will need to be redone in order to support Microsoft’s services. There has been a huge hype about Rudy Huyn explaining exactly what are the possibilities of running Android apps or even having Android Universal apps.
We wont give you guys false hopes, but do not expect Android apps like Instagram and maps based apps to be running on Windows 10, most of the apps that are going to come are going to be simple ones, mostly according to some phrases Rudy spoke about, it could be easy enough to port games, but not complex apps.

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